Software scanner for Ford, Mazda, Lincoln, Mercury vehicles. Skip to content. FAQ; Board index. Generate Extended License First. I stumbled upon, the software allows module configuration using as. Need to have extended license, but its free. Check this, I am currently however unsure of how to brute force or crack the seed/key algorithm. Added support to root Samsung Galaxy A8 2018 (A530F) android 8.0.0 without losing baseband. Accept license agreement Choose to create desktop shortcut. Finish install Forscan setup. Run Forscan software on desktop. Press About icon, then copy hardware ID to clipboard. Go to download again. Choose Get Free Extended License (2 month trial) Forscan Standard License vs. Extended License Windows versions.
Ford ELM327 USB, ELM327 Bluetooth, ELM327 Wifi
2019-03-21 12:57Author: CE-LINK
Drivers - Instructions - Software
I - Device Drivers (VCP):
This page contains the Virtual Com Port drivers available for all FTDI devices.
III - Driver installation help:
This page shows a table of all documents containing guides and their revisions. You can download these documents only in PDF format.
IV - Forscan Software:
You can download Forscan software for iOs, Android and Windows on this page. Remember to check compatibility before purchasing it. Note: the image below is the recommended setting on Forscan.
1. Register for Forscan Forum and wait until you are accepted (may take a couple of hours depending on time zones):
2. Once accepted, log in with your user name and password.
3. Link to License generator is here:
4. The link will take you here:
5. Fill in the blanks, You will be requested a hardware ID. This is your computer ID as identified by Forscan. So, launch Forscan and find your ID as shown. Copy and paste to the web browser. Generate:
6. Success! Please download License file to your computer. We suggest you download it to My Documents or Desktop. Reason for this is that Windows security is quite tight lately and you may have a hard time accessing this file later when you saved it to the default location in Systems folder. The license will still be available in Forscan Forum, you can download it again any time you want.
7. Load License Key into Forscan app:
Forscan Extended Licence Key Generator Free
8. SUCCESS! Forscan License is now Extended.
VI - Forscan Licence (free) requires registration to Forscan Forum:
It's a forum that offers general information and support. You can also explore the experiences of other users on vehicle diagnostics, programming, configurations, and maintenance.
Forscan Extended Licence Key Generator Online
Software Packages Download link --The computer will prompt that this file has been poisoned. Please ignore this prompt (because there is a .RAR file in the software, the computer will automatically prompt for poisoning files), continue to download please. You need to turn off the computer's anti-virus software before installing the software. Thanks.
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