
  1. Aircrack-ng
  2. Aircrack-ng Windows
  3. Aircrack-ng Android
  4. Aircrack Tutorial
  5. Aircrack
  6. Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different areas of WiFi security.

  1. Aircrack (also known as aircrack-ng) is a cracking program that specifically targets WPA-PSK and WEP keys. It is capable of retrieving lost keys after capturing enough data packets, and it can be conversely used to garner unauthorized access to wireless networking protocols that use the key encryption system as its main safety measure.
  2. Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. The application works by implementing the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations such as KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attack.


Aircrack is a suite of tools for 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking. It implements the best known cracking algorithms to recover wireless keys once enough encrypted packets have been gathered. . The suite comprises over a dozen discrete tools, including airodump (an 802.11 packet capture program), aireplay (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), and airdecap (decrypts WEP/WPA capture files).For downloads and more information,visit the Aircrack homepage.
Popularity#4, 17
Rating★★★★ (13)
Latest release1.1
April 24, 2010
(11 years ago)
★★★★★ 54%
★★★★ 15%
★★★ 15%
★★ 0%


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Aircrack-ng Windows


  • Aircrack-ng 1.6
    SHA1: ffeb4816476e7b329dc0c154f1aa4a30ad171beb
    MD5: 22ddc85549b51ed0da0931d01ef215e5
  • Development sources:
    • Aircrack-ng: git clone


Aircrack-ng commands

Aircrack-ng Android

Aircrack-ng android
  • Aircrack-ng 1.6 (Windows)
    SHA1: ede4ac13ad04e9ec10b973460b36c92ce97829af
    MD5: 152ae4f50b7f82f510b4ac152ea57eb2
    This version requires you to develop your own DLLs to link aircrack-ng to your wireless card (it will not work without).
    The required DLLs are not provided in the download and there will be no support for them.
  • Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 (Windows, supports airpcap devices)
    SHA1: 590d3e8fd09a21b93908d84057959cb13e73d378
    MD5: cbcb23c55ed6933a48b8af5665104fb6
  • Linux packages can be found here.

Previous versions

  • Previous versions of Aircrack-ng can be found here.
  • A backup of the original versions (from Christophe Devine) are available here.

Sample files

Aircrack Tutorial



  • test.ivs - This is a 128 bit WEP key file. The key is AE:5B:7F:3A:03:D0:AF:9B:F6:8D:A5:E2:C7.
  • ptw.cap - This is a 64 bit WEP key file suitable for the PTW method. The key is 1F:1F:1F:1F:1F.

